“SketchUp’s power lies in its simplicity and flexibility, which has led to its use in projects as diverse as designing a doghouse in the backyard or modeling the bracing for the World Trade Center Transportation Hub in New York,” said Chris Keating, director of the Architecture Division within the Trimble Buildings Group. Spanning SketchUp Pro for professional users and SketchUp Make for hobbyists and enthusiasts, the new release marks Trimble’s second major update to SketchUp software in the past 10 months and reinforces the company’s commitment to continuously improve SketchUp with easier ways to create, access, share and collaborate on 2D drawings and 3D models. With more than 30 million unique activations in the past year, SketchUp is the most widely used 3D modeling software in the world today. SketchUp 2014 features major enhancements to SketchUp’s 3D Warehouse-the world’s largest repository of free, high-quality, 3D content-as well as new tools that improve the classification of design objects, tighten interoperability with other products used in Building Information Modeling (BIM) workflows, and make professional documentation more efficient.

Trimble released SketchUp 2014, the latest version of its popular 3D modeling platform for architects, engineers, design and construction professionals, as well as members of the global maker community. Matt Ball on Main Corporate, Design/Engineering, Modeling